

Pivotal Systems provides best-in-class monitoring and control technology platform for the global semiconductor industry.

Gas Flow Control products

As process geometries within the semiconductor industry continue to shrink to 10 nm and beyond, the need for highly accurate, responsive and repeatable gas flow control during wafer processing is essential. With the emergence of low gas flow rates, short processing times and continuous plasma processing, best-in-class MFCs are struggling to meet the accuracy, settling time and repeatability requirements demanded to ensure high yield and matched chambers. Pivotal Systems’ GFC paves the way for the future of gas flow control. The GFC combines Pivotal’s patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes.

Product Series

The high flow GFC combines a differential pressure with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes.
GFC20™ GFC200™ GFC1000™ GFC2000™
The GFC combines Pivotal's patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes.
GFC200™ HS GFC2000™ HS
The GFC combines Pivotal's patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes.
The GFC combines Pivotal's patented, high accuracy GFM™ system with patented control valve technology. As such, it leapfrogs the current MFC technology by offering an order of magnitude improvement on key flow metrics, thereby enabling advanced wafer-manufacturing processes.
Based on Pivotal's proprietary position control valve and field proven robust design, we are introducing high-performance and economical gas flow controller.

Pivotal is now introducing a flow ratio controller that uses Pivotal’s proprietary control valve to improve wafer uniformity and wafer to wafer uniformity. It’s the industry’s fastest Flow Ratio Controller, meeting a <1 sec. settling time requirement. 

Pivotal’s pressure controller is designed to meet the industry’s needs for high-speed and high accuracy.

Pivotal’s Ultra High-Speed Valve technology is based on the proprietary control valve.

Pivotal Mass Flow Meter (PMFM) will take advantage of the robust design of a Positional Mass Flow Controller, achieving an economical and highly accurate in-line measurement system for gas flow.

Latest News

Jan-Yu Weng CEO announcement

Dear Pivotal Systems Partners, It is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce the appointment of our new Chief

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